When Is Water Heater Replacement A Necessary Investment?

When Is Water Heater Replacement A Necessary Investment?

Most people use their hot water heater on a routine basis – just about every day, from washing their hands to showering. Yet, this is a major system in the home, and though it may work for you without much thought, there are times when it may stop working, and when that happens, you will need to make a decision about whether or not you should repair the system or if you should invest in water heater replacement. It is not always necessary to replace the hot water heater when it is not working properly. However, there are some situations when it may be the best decision for you.

You Need More Hot Water than the System Offers

One of the times when it may be necessary for you to invest in a new hot water heater is when it just cannot keep up with your needs. Did you know that the average person needs to turn on and use the hot water in the home about 20 times each day? That means that you need to have a reliable system, one that can keep up with the needs of your family.

As your family gets older, they are likely to need to use hot water more often. It takes longer to wash clothes, and showers get longer, too. There are more dishes to wash, too. For all of those reasons, it is necessary to consider upgrading to a larger and more powerful system that can help you to keep more hot water available to meet the needs of your family on an ongoing basis.

Your System is Older

If your hot water heater is working just fine, there is no reason to switch it out to a new one. However, there may be some instances when that is not the case. If you are having trouble with it and need to repair it, consider its age before making the decision to repair or replace it. Water heater replacement is likely beneficial if your hot water heater is more than 10 to 15 years old. Older systems are more likely to break down and need more frequent repairs.

If your system is much older than this, it is also no longer as efficient as it could be. That means that you may be spending a lot of money to heat the water in your tank that you do not need to. If your tank is older, talk to your plumbing professional about the benefits of replacing the tank with a new one that may be a better choice for your needs.

It is Not Efficient

The rising cost of fuel is making it necessary for many homeowners to consider different ways to reduce their energy consumption. One way to do that may be to replace that older and inefficient system with one that is new. Though newer models of traditional tanks are far more efficient than those that are older, there are other options, too.

For example, now may be a good time to invest in a tankless water heater. This type of water heater works to produce hot water on demand – when someone turns on the faucet, for example. Instead of heating up a big tank of water and keeping it at the ideal temperature, the system will work only when it is needed. A tankless water heater is more efficient because it does not heat a tank of water. Yet, it is able to produce an endless supply of hot water for you without any wait for it. That makes it an excellent upgrade for many property owners.

Changes to the Color or Quality of the Water

Another indication that you may need to make a change is if you notice any type of change to your water itself. For example, if your water is coming out cloudy or has an off coloring to it, that is an indication that there may be a buildup of material in the tank. It may be possible to repair this problem, including by draining the tank and flushing it. However, if there is a significant amount of buildup, that could indicate the interior of the tank is corroded, and that could mean that you need to replace it.

When the interior of the tank corrodes, that means rust is developing. Over time, that will lead to weakness in the structure of the tank until they are so significant that it causes your tank to start leaking. It is not common for tanks to reach this level of disrepair without warning signs, including changes to the clarity of the water. If you notice this, be sure to contact your plumber for help determining the next step and whether water heater replacement is the best choice.

You Have a Major Leak

Leaks from the hot water heater may occur for various reasons. One of the most common is the development of a weakness in the tank, as noted. Other times, it is possible to make repairs for them. For example, you may be able to repair the tank’s spout, which could be causing the leak. Valves can also cause this as well. It is a good idea for you to ensure any damage like this is taken care of as soon as you notice it. Leaks are dangerous for various reasons, including that they can cause the build up of mold and mildew in your home. They can also be a warning of a more significant leak.

Let Our Team Offer Insight

When you are facing the need for water heater replacement, do not wait to get help. Instead, give our team a call for an inspection and to troubleshoot the problem. At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach, we work closely with you to ensure that your plumbing system is working at its best. Contact us now for an appointment that fits into your schedule with our reliable, trusted team of plumbers.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

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Photo By JulNichols at iStock

Can Regular Plumbing Services Help Deal With Water Pressure Issues In Your Plumbing System?

Can Regular Plumbing Services Help Deal With Water Pressure Issues In Your Plumbing System?

Your home is an intricate connection of systems and appliances. These systems make it possible to run your home and maintain its functions while the systems ensure that your home is comfortable and have to hide you from the world. Fortunately, you can liaise with a plumbing service provider to inspect and maintain your plumbing to ensure your system works properly. These professionals will address any developing issues and prevent them from worsening to a point where they impede or inconvenience your household operations. Unfortunately, some homeowners only think of their plumbing system if there is a problem and it works inefficiently. Unfortunately, many could go wrong, and effects such as low water pressure arise. Water pressure is critical to your plumbing system as it determines how fast you’ll finish cleaning or laundry. Neither should it be too low or too high. This article will outline how your home’s water pressure should work and the significant signs of low water pressure.

How Should Water Pressure Work?

When your plumbing doesn’t have enough pressure, water cannot flow to your house hence the dry taps. The water has nothing to propel it from the source to your home’s faucets without pressure. For efficient water flow in your home, your plumbing system needs a force to push the water. You can rely on gravity alone or have a plumbing service provider install a pressure pump in your plumbing. However, there is a downside to using a pressure pump for generating water pressure. You need to regulate it to ensure it doesn’t become too high, resulting in other issues like pipe bursting.

On the other hand, gravity is safe and doesn’t need regulation. If you use water from a well or an underground tank, you should install a pressure pump and regulate the cut-off setting. However, when your water supply is from a municipal source, the technician installs a water meter and pressure regulator to manage your water pressure. These two devices can be installed outdoors or in the basement. Therefore, if the pressure is too high, you can adjust it through the regulator.

How to Test Your Water Pressure

Do you need to determine how much pressure your home’s water has? The easiest way to be sure is to have a qualified plumbing service provider test it for you. The technician will take the correct measurements by ensuring no tap running. You can also get your home’s water pressure from your outdoor spigot by screwing a pressure gauge. However, to get the correct reading, you should ensure that you turn off all the faucets in your home. Then turn the pressure gauge’s pin and take the reading.

If your water pressure is less than 275 kilopascals, the professional will the regulator, adding the water pressure. If you do this and the pressure does not change, this is an indication that your plumbing system might have a leak or an obstruction leading to low water pressure. Therefore, always reach out to a reliable plumber whenever you notice the water pressure is too low and it’s taking ages to fill a glass of water.

Can Low Hot Water Pressure Cause a Problem?

Apart from interfering with your showering, dishwashing, cleaning, and other causing inconveniences, low water pressure does not affect your plumbing system. This is because it will follow the designated path. However, excessively high hot water pressure can result in stress in your water pipes which builds up over time. Eventually, the pressure will be substantial enough to cause leaks or extensive damage to your pipes.

Effects of Low Water Pressure

Some of the significant inconveniences low hot water pressure would cause to your home include the following;

Ineffective Appliances

The significant side effect of low hot water pressure in your home is ineffective appliances. Cleaning appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines often depend on high hot water pressure to clean or operate effectively. Therefore, during low hot water pressure, the appliance will work ineffectively. Continuous inefficient running of your appliances due to insufficient water can lead to strenuous operation, which causes the machine to break down.

Difficult Cleaning

The other notable impact of low hot water pressure is the difficulty cleaning your home. High water pressure removes dirt, debris, and soap particles easily from any surface you wash. High-pressure hot water also dissolves things quickly, making cleaning your home more efficient. Therefore, when your home experiences low hot water pressure, items take longer to dissolve, and removing dirt and debris from surfaces is less effective. Also, low-pressure water can result in soap scum accumulation on objects around your home if not thoroughly rinsed.

High Mineral Accumulation

Sometimes low hot water pressure experienced in homes is caused by mineral build-up within the plumbing system. If this is the case, the water in your water will dissolve some minerals, thus developing an unpleasant taste. If too many of these minerals dissolve in your drinking water, they can have dire health consequences, such as kidney issues, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues. Additionally, some minerals can cause skin and hair irritation. Therefore, contact a cleaning plumbing service provider to unclog your pipes. The technician will remove the minerals and other obstructions in your pipes, restoring the ideal water pressure in your home.

Signs of Low Water Pressure

Before low water pressure results in dry taps and lack of water flow, it starts by showing signs of obstructions in the pipes. Therefore, some of the signs to look out for include;

  • Lowing pressure when two fixtures run simultaneously
  • Longer time for appliances to perform the same chores
  • Reduced pressure on plumbing fixtures such as sprinklers

Are you experiencing low water pressure in your home? Contact us at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach for a professional inspection of your plumbing to determine the reason for the low pressure and fix the underlying cause.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By sergeyryzhov at iStock

Maintenance And Upkeep Of Water Filtration Systems: Tips And Tricks For Optimal Performance

Maintenance And Upkeep Of Water Filtration Systems: Tips And Tricks For Optimal Performance

Water treatment is necessary, whether from municipal water systems or a well-based system. Although our municipalities do their best to treat the water that gets into our homes, systems fail to pose a risk of contamination. Buying and installing efficient water filtration systems is an excellent step in ensuring clean and healthy water for you and your family. Regular cleaning and maintaining of water filtration systems is an effective way to maintain the freshness coming from your faucet. This blog provides maintenance tips and tricks to maintain the functionality of your filtration system.

Why should a water purification system be maintained?

The following are some of the benefits of having a licensed plumber maintain your water purification system regularly:

  • Increases efficiency: components in your water purification system, such as the water filter, have a rigid lifespan of between 6 to 12 months. If you don’t replace the filters regularly, your system becomes less efficient at filtering out contaminants and chemicals present in your water. Less efficiency means you may end up drinking water full of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, chlorine, rust, and more.
  • Keeps your system running longer: a water purifier is a substantial investment requiring a massive financial commitment. Regular maintenance, such as filter changes and scheduled parts replacement, can keep your filtration system running longer. The longer your unit runs, the longer you go before making the financial commitment to purchase a new unit.
  • Savings on repair costs: well-maintained water purification systems won’t need repairs as often as poorly maintained units. This saves you the costs of buying and installing a new system every so often.
  • Makes it safer: poorly maintained systems can pose hazards to your family. Lack of maintenance increases the risk of a malfunction which could trigger fires or electrocution. Replacing worn-out parts is part of a regular maintenance routine that helps make your unit safe for use.
  • Maintaining its value: regular servicing of your purification system is an effective way to maintain its value for a long time. If you plan to sell your system, keeping it in great shape through regular maintenance is the way to go.

Simple tips for maintaining your water purifier

The following are the crucial steps to maintain your water purifier:

Routine cleaning

Cleaning the internal parts of water filtration systems frequently and as per manufacturer guidelines helps prevent the build-up of dirt, minerals, and contaminants. The following are some tips to keep in mind during your weekly cleaning:

  • Use the right products: Avoid any harsh cleaning products that can damage your unit. Using the recommended cleaning products is a smart way to avoid adding harmful toxins to your system that could diffuse into your family’s water. After every cleaning exercise, gently rinse the system thoroughly in warm, clean water.
  • Clean all parts: Ensure you clean all parts of the purification system at least once a week. Sanitize the different elements when cleaning the system, including the water dispenser, cap assembly, and line.
  • Choose the right water softener: The water softener you use could contribute to salt accumulation in your water filter. This will ultimately force you to clean your system more often. New water softeners tend to use salt in the water more efficiently. However, excess salt would form a blockage within the system. When cleaning the system, switch off the system and remove most of the salt. Thereafter, dissolve the blockage using hot water.

Change filters regularly

The filtration efficiency and performance of filter cartridges decrease over time. As mentioned earlier, filters should be replaced after every 6 to 12 months or as specified by the manufacturer. If you use water pitchers, have an expert replace the cartridges every three months to keep enjoying fresh drinking water.

Repair drips and leakages

Apart from replacing the filters, inspect housings, O-rings, gaskets, pumps, and connections for any leaks. If you notice water dripping out of your water filters, don’t neglect it. Call a technician to inspect the unit and fix the issue.

How long should water purification parts be replaced?

Replacing parts and elements in a water purification system effectively enhances its efficiency and lifespan. Each part is designed differently for a specific purpose. Their roles primarily determine the duration it takes to replace them. The followings are the crucial parts of a water purifier and their specific lifespan:

  • Pre-filter cartridge: a pre-filter cartridge helps separate sand, silt, and other particles. It protects the RO membrane from damage from these impurities. To safeguard your membrane, change your cartridge after every 6 to 9 months.
  • Semipermeable RO membrane: once the water reaches the semipermeable RO membrane, it is subjected to pressure to separate dissolved particles, such as minerals and salts, from the water. This guarantees only pure water flows through. Have a technician clean this membrane after every 3 to 4 months to extend its lifespan. After every 2 to 3 years, change the membrane without fail.
  • Post filter: the post filter is the last stage of water purification. It helps get rid of any bad taste and odors from your water. To maintain the good taste of your water, ensure the filter is changed after 6 to 9 months.
  • Polishing filter: this is the activated carbon in a RO system that ensures crystal-clear water with excellent taste. You should change your polishing filter once every year.
  • Water tank: ensure your water tank is sanitized yearly to get safe drinking water.
  • Annual maintenance: you should schedule annual servicing for your RO filter system at least once yearly. Ensure the servicing is done by a licensed technician.

Contact the professionals for quality water solutions

When it comes to drinking water, your family should never be forced to settle for anything less than the best. Exposure to contaminated water can cause a horde of illnesses. Contaminated water can also damage your home appliances. Once you have installed a water filtration system for your home, service it regularly to keep it in top-notch condition. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach offers annual water filter maintenance solutions to ensure safe drinking water for your household. Contact us today to request a quote for water filtration systems installation.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Grigorev_Vladimir at iStock

9 Signs You Should Have A Plumbing Company Waterproof Your Basement

9 Signs You Should Have A Plumbing Company Waterproof Your Basement

Water damage in the basement can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. From mold growth to structural issues, a damp basement can lead to many problems that not only jeopardize the value of your property but pose potential health risks. In this article, we delve into the crucial signs that indicate the urgent need for a professional plumber to waterproof your basement. By recognizing these warning signs early on, you can protect your home and ensure a dry, secure environment for years.

Puddles In Your Basement

If your basement has puddles, it’s time to hire a plumbing company to help you waterproof the space. This indicates a plumbing leak that must be fixed immediately to prevent more harm. Unfortunately, the puddle can quickly turn into a flood. Basement flooding is a plumbing problem that can completely ruin anything stored there.

Mold growth is a potential byproduct of moisture in the basement. Therefore, you should not ignore water puddles in your basement. For this reason, you will need to contact a plumber to fix the sump pump or the leak. To avoid these issues in the future, you should also have a professional waterproof the basement.

Visible Mold Growth

If you notice mold in your basement, it could be a symptom of a severe plumbing problem. Mold in the basement is common, but that doesn’t make it safe. Mold growth below the basement could result from a slab leak or high humidity.

Mold exposure can cause respiratory problems like chronic coughing and shortness of breath. Mold can cause fungal infections, leading to life-threatening illnesses in extreme cases. Contact a local plumbing company as soon as possible if you find mold in the basement.

A Musty Odor

Most people think of catastrophic events like floods when they hear the term “water damage.” The truth is that water damage to certain homes may only manifest itself in subtle, easy-to-miss ways. You may be able to detect that something is off in your basement, even if you can’t see anything suspicious, just by the smell.

If you enter your basement and are immediately hit by a musty smell, water has lingered there for quite some time. In addition, some residents may sense a slight increase in humidity. No matter what the odor source is—poor ventilation, a leak, or something else entirely—a plumbing company can help.

Cracked Floors or Walls

Do you see splits in the floor or walls? When left bowed for too long, the walls can break under the stress of expanding and contracting. However, plumbing leaks are the primary cause of cracks in concrete walls and floors. A slab leak, for instance, might cause significant harm to nearby concrete and soil. The foundation will shift and buckle, leading to fissures in the basement’s walls and floor. For this reason, it is essential to schedule regular plumbing maintenance with a professional.


When concrete is wet, the minerals within it are pulled to the surface, where they remain even after the water has evaporated. Once this occurs, chalky white streaks may appear on the walls. Turning on the lights could also make the walls seem like they are glistening.

Although the white efflorescence is not as harmful as mold, it is a warning that your basement needs waterproofing. A mold problem could arise if water keeps seeping inside.

Water Stains

The presence of water spots in your basement is a telltale sign of water damage, even if you can’t see the water itself. If you notice water spots on the basement floor, you should investigate. If there are water stains on your floor, it means water is getting in through cracks in the foundation. Therefore, it is crucial that a local plumbing company check for slab leaks in the pipes.

Checking for stains is a top priority if you have just moved into a new house. Have a professional look at the stains instead of presuming the prior owner’s spill caused them.

Bowed Walls

Because of its underground location, your basement may be affected by the expansion and contraction of specific soil types around it. The earth expands when it absorbs rainwater and contracts when it dries. Walls may swell or curve inward under the influence of such forces.

Initially, you may not notice any differences. A thorough check of the wall’s alignment to see if anything seems uneven is the best way to spot this issue before it gets out of hand.

Warped Doors

The doors to your basement may regularly become stuck. If so, that’s yet another sign of a damp basement. As the wood absorbs the moisture and expands, the door becomes more difficult to open. In severe cases, the door or jamb can warp due to moisture, leading to issues long after the swelling has subsided.

Insect Infestation

Although you may not immediately make the connection, a lack of basement waterproofing may contribute to your insect problem. Insects are inevitable in any house. While this may be true, a significant bug population in your basement indicates a more severe issue. Since many insect species favor dark, humid environments, bugs in your basement may indicate dampness.

Wet basements are a magnet for bugs like cockroaches and termites. If allowed to run wild, these pests pose a serious threat to your health.

Understanding Waterproofing Solutions

Naturally, the various sources of water seepage require various responses. Possible remedies depend on the findings of your plumbing technician and may involve a combination of the following:

Interior Waterproofing

  • Installing a sump pump
  • Installing a floor drain
  • Applying sealant

Exterior Waterproofing

  • Installing a drain system
  • Crack repair
  • Yard grading
  • Applying sealant


  • Putting up gutters and/or rerouting downspouts so that water flows away from the house’s base
  • Inspecting the foundation regularly
  • Ensuring the sump pump is functioning correctly
  • Using a dehumidifier

An excellent benefit of having a fully waterproof basement is that bugs cannot enter. Sealing foundation cracks to prevent water damage also protects against pest invasion.

Take Action Today to Protect Your Basement

If you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned above or suspect water issues in your basement, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach. Our experienced plumbing technicians specialize in basement waterproofing solutions, using state-of-the-art techniques and high-quality materials to keep your basement dry and secure. Contact us today for a thorough inspection and personalized recommendations tailored to your specific needs. Take the first step towards a waterproof basement and schedule your consultation now.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By JulyVelchev at iStock

The Essential Checklist For Water Heater Repair

The Essential Checklist For Water Heater Repair

Water heaters are essential to our daily lives; however, like any other appliance, water heaters can break down and require repairs. Water heater problems should be addressed promptly to avoid further damage and inconvenience.

When to Call a Professional 

A water heater is essential, providing hot water for daily activities such as bathing, cooking, and cleaning. Minor problems can be fixed with basic troubleshooting, but there are instances that an expert can best solve. Knowing the correct instance to seek expert help can save you time and money and prevent further damage to your appliance. The points below indicate that it’s time to call a water heater repair professional.

No Hot Water

If your water heater is not producing hot water, it may be due to a tripped circuit breaker or a faulty thermostat. A professional can accurately diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs to restore your hot water supply.

Inconsistent Water Temperature

A faulty thermostat, sediment buildup, or damaged heating elements can cause fluctuating water temperatures. A professional can identify the root cause and perform maintenance or repairs to ensure consistent water temperatures.

Leaking Water Heater

A leaking water heater can lead to water damage and mold growth. Suppose you notice water pooling around the base of your water heater. In that case, it’s essential to call a professional to assess the situation and repair any leaks or replace the unit if necessary.

Strange Noises

Unusual noises from your water heater can indicate sediment buildup or a failing heating element. A professional can flush the tank to remove sediment or replace the heating element to resolve the issue.

Rusty or Discolored Water

If your hot water appears rusty or discolored, it could indicate corrosion inside the tank or deteriorating pipes. A professional can inspect the system, replace corroded components, and flush the tank to restore water quality.

Low Water Pressure

Low hot water pressure can result from sediment buildup, a malfunctioning pressure relief valve, or issues with your home’s plumbing. A professional can diagnose the problem and provide the necessary repairs to improve water pressure.

Age of the Water Heater

Water heaters last from 8-12 years. If your unit is nearing its end, replacing it with a new, energy-efficient model may be more cost-effective. A professional can help you choose the right unit and ensure proper installation.

Considerations When Selecting a Repair Expert for Your Water Heater

Your choice of a repair expert for your water heater impacts your appliance’s efficiency, longevity, and safety. Here are essential factors to consider when selecting a repair expert for your water heater, ensuring you make an informed decision and receive the best possible service.

Experience and Expertise

The first consideration when selecting a repair expert is their experience and expertise in the field. A professional with years of experience working on water heaters will better understand the common issues and the best solutions. Additionally, their expertise in handling various types and brands of water heaters will ensure they can effectively diagnose and repair your unit. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach has professionals who can fix any water heater.

Licensing and Certification

Verifying that the repair expert you choose is licensed and certified to work on water heaters is essential. A license indicates they have undergone the necessary training and adhere to industry standards and regulations. Hiring a licensed and certified professional places your water heater in capable hands.

Reputation and Reviews

Before hiring a repair expert, research their reputation and read customer reviews. This gives you an idea of their work quality and customer satisfaction. Look for professionals with consistently positive reviews and a strong reputation in the community, as this indicates that they are reliable and trustworthy. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach is a reputable company with excellent reviews on water heater repair.

Availability and Response Time

When your water heater needs repair, you want a professional who can address the issue promptly. Consider the repair expert’s availability and response time, as this can significantly impact the duration of the repair process. Choose a professional who offers flexible scheduling and can respond quickly to your needs.

Insurance Coverage

Ensure that the repair expert you choose has liability and workers’ compensation insurance. This protects you from potential financial liabilities during the repairs. Hiring an insured professional is a crucial step in safeguarding your interests.

Transparent Pricing

A reliable repair expert should provide transparent pricing for their services. Request a detailed estimate before the work begins, and ensure that it includes all necessary parts and labor costs. This will help you avoid any unexpected expenses and allow you to compare quotes from different professionals.

Communication and Customer Service

Effective communication and excellent customer service are essential qualities in a repair expert. Choose a professional who keeps you informed throughout the repair process. This will ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

Local Presence

Hiring a local water heater repair expert has several advantages, including faster response times and a better understanding of local regulations and requirements. Additionally, supporting local businesses helps strengthen your community and contributes to its economic growth.

Ongoing Maintenance Services

Some repair experts offer ongoing maintenance services to keep your water heater in optimal condition. Consider hiring a professional who provides these services to prevent your appliance from experiencing future issues.

Energy Efficiency

An experienced repair expert should be knowledgeable about energy-efficient solutions and practices. They can recommend upgrades or adjustments to your water heater that can help reduce energy consumption and save you money on utility bills.

Emergency Services

In case of a water heater emergency, it’s essential to have a repair expert who offers emergency services. This ensures you can access prompt assistance when needed, minimizing potential damage and inconvenience.

Is your water heater making strange noises or failing to provide enough hot water? Don’t let these issues go unresolved. Contact our company, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach, for expert water heater repair services. We offer custom solutions that fit your needs and budget. Don’t suffer through cold showers or high energy bills – call us now to schedule an appointment.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By JodiJacobson at iStock


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