Five Ways A Gas Appliance Repair Service Can Help You Decrease Your Gas Bills This Winter | Myrtle Beach, SC

Five Ways A Gas Appliance Repair Service Can Help You Decrease Your Gas Bills This Winter | Myrtle Beach, SC

As fall and winter roll around, the temperatures in Myrtle Beach, SC will begin to drop. And, as the weather becomes cooler, it’s likely that your heating use will increase in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

While it is important that you stay warm and comfortable at home, what comes with increased heating use is higher gas bills. And, while a slight increase in utility costs during the colder months is inevitable there are some ways you can limit the increase.

For many homeowners and families, a large rise in utility bills can cause significant financial stress. That’s why you should call a gas appliance repair service to help you prevent your bills from skyrocketing and keep you warm this winter.

Install a Smart Thermostat

One simple way Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach‘s gas appliance repair service recommends to help you reduce your gas costs this fall and winter is by having a smart thermostat installed.

A smart thermostat enables users to access live information about their gas and electricity usage. The information provided includes statistics on when your usage is at its highest and how long it takes to heat your home. With this information at your fingertips, you can assess whether your usage is necessary and, as a result, how you can limit it.

For example, knowing the length of time that it takes to heat your home will allow you to only turn your heater on for that period of time. Then, once your home is at a comfortable temperature, you can turn your heater off and prevent unnecessary use.

A smart thermostat also increases your comfort by allowing you to control your heating from your cell phone and when you are not inside your property.

Insulate Your Home

Your local gas appliance repair service in Myrtle Beach, SC, can also advise you in effectively insulating your home to prevent heat loss.

As well as using appliances to maintain a stable temperature in your home, it is also possible to insulate your rooms in order to maximize the retention of that heat. It will take far longer to heat your home and warmth will be lost much quicker if your space is ineffectively insulated.

Once you have installed appliances to help heat your home in a cost-effective way, the gas appliance repair specialists at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach can assess the areas in your home which require better insulation.

Some common ways to improve the insulation in your home include, installing new double or triple glazed windows, fitting cavity wall insulation or underfloor insulation, and draft-proofing.

Check Your Boiler Pressure

Incorrect boiler pressure is another very common cause of rising gas bills. When your boiler’s pressure is out of whack, the appliance will become prone to overworking. In turn, the boiler will use far more energy than is necessary to heat your home.

Your boiler’s pressure is most likely to be impacted by aging or periods of low usage. So, if you suspect your gas bills are rising following a warm summer or you know your boiler is old, it might be time to call a gas appliance repair service to check your boiler’s pressure and reset it if necessary.

A boiler that is working to maximum efficiency should sustain pressure between one and two.

Set a Timer on Your Heater

Setting a timer on your heater is a simple but significant change you can make in your home without any assistance from a gas appliance repair service. While this alteration may not solve all your gas bill issues, it will make a noticeable difference to your overall costs. So, if you are yet to install a smart heater in your home, carefully consider the times when you need your space to be at its warmest, and set a timer to coincide.

For example, temperatures are coldest in the early hours of the morning and late in the evening. Therefore, it is a good idea to coordinate your timer with these hours. Alternatively, you might decide to heat your home so that it is warm when you return from work.

However, you decide to set up your boiler’s timer, making sure it is turned off when no one is home is a sure-fire way to reduce your gas bill.

Only Heat The Rooms You Need To

Many people fall into the trap of heating their entire home, even when they are only using one or two rooms. However, being careful about which rooms you decide to heat is an extremely useful tactic in reducing your gas bills this winter that can be achieved without assistance from a gas appliance repair service.

For example, if you work all day, it might make the most sense to heat your bedroom in the morning and living space in the evening. That way, you aren’t wasting energy and money by heating your living room when it is not in use.

Call Mister Sparky of Myrtle Beach’s Gas Appliance Repair Service Today

If you have already noticed that your gas bills have started to rise this fall, or you are interested in learning more about any of the heating options highlighted in this article, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach, SC, can help you.

Established in 2010, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach has been successfully attending to the gas and electrical needs of home and business owners in South Carolina for over a decade. With a team of highly skilled and fully certified professionals, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach is the perfect gas appliance repair service to help you stay warm this winter without paying over the odds.

So, if you would like to install a smart thermostat or discuss your gas and electrical options, don’t hesitate to call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing’s gas appliance repair service today at 843-894-0901!


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