Effects Of Hard Water And Why You Should Hire A Plumber To Install A Water Softener | Conway, SC

Effects Of Hard Water And Why You Should Hire A Plumber To Install A Water Softener | Conway, SC

Hard water is a cause of many problems at your residential or commercial property. It contains magnesium and calcium minerals that can be detrimental to your plumbing systems. The mineral deposits can reduce the efficiency of your water heater, while the sediments may also cause clogging within the pipes at your Conway, SC, residential or commercial property. However, the most notable damage caused by hard water is corrosion to your metallic plumbing systems.

Drinking and using hard water for bathing and other household activities can take a toll on your family. But what can you do about it? Installing a water softening system might be the answer to this question.

What Is a Water Softening System/Water Softener?

A water softener is a unit or a system for removing the excess minerals from the hard water. It replaces the extra magnesium and calcium ions in the hard water with potassium or sodium ions. A water softening system can use up to 25 gallons of water every day and may even be more effective if you correctly detect the hardness of water before installing the water softener. It helps you purchase and install the right-sized and quality water softener. This article will consider why calling a plumber to install water softeners may be the answer to some plumbing issues.

Why Does Your Home Need a Water Softening System?

While hard water is not toxic or fatal, it is undoubtedly problematic. To determine whether the water at your commercial or residential property is complicated, therefore, enlist the services of a plumber. They have the equipment and tools for measuring the water hardness correctly. It helps you know the extent of the water hardness, a factor that informs the quality of the water heater to purchase. To determine whether a water softener will be effective, you must understand the problems your home is exposed to by using hard water. Below is a list of issues caused by using hard water and may vanish when you enlist the services of a plumbing technician to install a water softener in your home.

Brittle Cutlery and Glassware

If you use hard water at your home, it is most likely that your cutlery appears stained even after using a dishwasher to clean them. Hard water stains and makes your glassware brittle. Hence, even a slight mishandling will make the cutlery and glassware break easily. Hiring an experienced plumber to install a water softener can help. The water softening system will eliminate the minerals in the hard water, helping you clean the glassware more effectively and faster. A sound water softener installation at your home will reduce your soap and detergent usage by 50%.

Scale Deposits in Appliances and Water Pipes

Clogged filters, fittings, and pipes are among the most common effects of hard water. They eventually break, start leaking or wear out. This considerably reduces the durability of the plumbing fixtures, like water pipes, drains, and the water heater. If you are unsure about the scale deposits in your piping or notice visible mineral deposits in your kettles and cooking bowls, contact a licensed plumber for a plumbing inspection, cleaning, and installing a water softener. The installation of a water softening system prevents scaling and increases the lifespan of your affected appliance and plumbing fixtures by almost 30%.

Increased Repair and Water Costs

Is there a sudden increase in your home’s water bills? Pipe leaks or bursts may cause this. The other reason is clogged piping which makes it difficult for the water to flow within. It costs you a fortune in drainage cleaning and repairs.

You also have to use more water than you otherwise would.

Hard water makes it necessary to regularly maintain your plumbing fixtures like the water heater and drainage, increasing your financial burden. Calling a licensed and skilled plumber to install a water softener is a one-time investment that can prevent these financial burdens by saving you from extra water bills and additional repair costs.

Faded Clothing and Towel Items

Although fabrics fade as time passes, hard water can catalyze the process. The water leaves additional mineral substances on your clothes and towels, taking away the smooth texture and softness of the fabric, which leaves them rigid and scratchy. Therefore, if your blankets and bedsheets don’t feel like they felt before cleaning, it is a sign to call a plumber for water softening system installation. A water softener will ensure that your clothing only fades because of aging and may be poor cleaning practices. Hence, their durability will not be impacted.

Stained Sinks, Toilet Hardware, and Tubs

The minerals dissolved in hard water are notorious for staining tubs, sinks, and toilet hardware. The stains result when the water evaporates, leaving behind a plaster-like foam that comprises calcium and calcium. The stains can ruin your toilet hardware, sinks, and faucets, giving them an unsightly look.

Therefore, if stains are left behind by the mineral deposits dissolved in hard water, it is time to enlist a plumber to install a water softener. The plumbing expert will consider the size of your home and its water consumption to determine the correct size of the water heater. They are also abreast with current developments in the Plumbing sector, meaning they can advise you on the best water softener.

Damaged Hair and Dry Skin

When water touches your skin, you can almost immediately tell if something is wrong with it. Although hard water may not feel very different, your hair and skin will show considerable changes if you clean them using hard water after using soft water for some time. The extra magnesium contents irritate the skin, cause blackheads and inflammation, and block pores.

The mineral deposits accumulate around the soap, preventing the formation of foam or lather. Therefore, you might notice increased detergent at your Conway, SC home. Hiring a plumber to fit a water softener system will resolve these issues, and you won’t have to spend on expensive salon appointments or have scratchy skin.

Hire a Plumber to Install a Water Softener in Conway, SC

Hard water is a precursor to severe issues and discomfort at your home. From clogging your drain, damaging your water heater, and tarnishing your cutlery to increased repair and detergent costs, the effects of hard water can be detrimental to your financial wellbeing.

Installing a water softener can resolve all these issues. A professional plumber will consider factors like your home’s water consumption and the number of family members to determine the correct size of the water softener. If you need a water softener installed at your home, do not hesitate to call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Myrtle Beach today.

Photo By goffkein.pro at Shutterstock


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